Welcome to the Midleton Hillwalking Club Website
Visit us on facebook for the latest information
News and Announcements
(Last updated 21-12-2024)
- The list of Sunday walks up to March 2025 is now available.
- The list of Saturday walks up to March 2025 is now available.
- The list of Wednesday evening walks up to September 2024 was last updated on 23-06-2024.
- Participants must register with the walk leader. Non-members should contact secretary@midletonhillwalkers.com
- The club membership form can be downloaded here or from the downloads page.
- Please can walkers arrive at each meeting point 10 minutes prior to the advertised times to allow sign in with the walk leader and a prompt start.
- (If you are still seeing the old lists, please refresh/reload the page in your browser!)
- The club committee is listed on the Contact us page.
- Want to join or renew your membership? Simply complete and return a club membership form, which can be downloaded here or from the downloads page. From 2024, the membership fee is €50. (This includes affiliation and insurance from
Mountaineering Ireland.)
- Please note that the usual starting time for Grade C walks is 9.00 am, and for Grade B walks is 8.45 am, but will be confirmed by email. Only registered club members who have completed a minimum of two Grade C walks may participate in Grade B walks.
- Membership, disclaimer, incident report and other forms are now available as .PDF or .DOC files from the Downloads page. Walk lists for Sunday walks and Saturday low-level walks are also available as .PDF files.
- Only registered club members should participate on Grade A or Grade B walks. Beginners or inexperienced hillwalkers should commence with Grade C walks. A member shall complete a minimum of two Grade C walks before embarking on a Grade B walk. Please see the club rules page.
- It's very important that proper gear is used for hillwalking; strong boots, waterproof jacket, packed lunch, bottle of water, change of clothing, hat and gloves for winter walking. No jeans or trainers. Please see the equipment page.
- To cut down on travel expenses, members mostly car-pool from the main meeting point. The normal practice is €5 per passenger for short journeys (up to 50 miles) and €10 for medium journeys (50 miles +). This applies to A/B/C walks.
- Please note all members participate on club walks at their own risk.
Thinking of joining us?
The club always welcomes new members! Visit our New members page for more information.
About the club
The Midleton Hillwalking Club was formed in March 2005 and was the first
hillwalking club in the greater East Cork area. The club
provides mountain walks, hill walks, trail walks and low level
local walks. Every second Sunday we trek on the mountains of South Munster.
On alternate Saturday afternoons we walk locally in the East Cork Region.
These walks vary from cliff walks, track walks, forest walks and riverside walks.
Following local advertising the club received a huge
response. Initially it was intended to provide mountain and hill walks
only, but a considerable number of members were interested in low level
walks. Members come from Cork City, Glanmire and all over East Cork. The club
has a wide range of walks for its members.
The club is very fortunate to have large number of club
leaders. Many have several years experience with other clubs, but now
reside in the East Cork area. Our leaders play a huge role in the
operation of the club. Their skills and experience are vital and are
highly respected by all the members.
Club rules and procedures must be followed to ensure the safety and welfare
of our walkers while participating. All members must
adhere to the guidelines and instructions set out by the leaders at all
times. Since the formation of our club with the cooperation and
involvement of its members, it really has been most successful. The club is
affiliated to Mountaineering Ireland (formerly the Mountaineering Council of Ireland).